Protecting Roof Integrity with a Grease Containment System


Project Spotlight: Protecting Roof Integrity with a Grease Containment System

At Cotterman & Company Inc., we recently helped a customer prevent costly damage to their TPO roofing system by addressing a common issue for restaurant rooftops: grease accumulation from exhaust systems. Grease can be particularly harmful to TPO membranes, compromising their durability and potentially voiding manufacturer warranties.

Our team tackled this by using an approved cleaning method to safely remove existing grease from the membrane. We then designed and installed a rooftop grease containment pad at the vent curb, ensuring future grease discharge is contained and diverted away from the roof surface.

The result? A safeguarded TPO membrane, a protected warranty, and peace of mind for our client!

Protecting your roof’s integrity while maintaining manufacturer warranties is what we do best. If you’re facing similar challenges or want to proactively prevent them, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Jon Plattner's Signature
Jon Plattner
Cotterman & Company, Inc.
Cell: (419) 234-1340
Office: (800) 713-3190
Minster, Dayton & Columbus, OH